Meet the data-driven platform that helps universities and employers connect top college talent to the perfect career opportunities.
Over 55 million students and alumni are making their next career move on 12twenty.
Whether you’re guiding or hiring early-career professionals, get the tools you need to make your work hassle free.
For university career centers looking to support and report on student success.
Simplify career services, outcome reporting, experiential learning, job boards, and everything else.
University Career Services:
Run your career center
Capture outcome data
Generate reports in one click
Connect with employers
For alumni relations offices who want to continue supporting their graduates.
Keep alumni active, report career outcomes, foster connections, and build a lifelong community.
University Alumni Relations:
Track alumni success
Make mentorship connections
Simplify post-grad networking
Extend career services
For employers seeking talent from top undergrad, MBA, and law programs.
Access early-career talent you can't find anywhere else, plus deep data to make better hiring decisions.
Employers & Recruiters:
Access 1,600+ programs
Post multi-school requisitions
Get powerful DE&I tools
Host multi-school events
Grow student engagement with a career center platform completely tailored to your campus community.
Capture more student outcomes so you can spotlight results for stakeholders, prospective students, and accreditations.
From job interviews, to career fairs, to experiential learning, and beyond — manage it all in a university-first platform that’s branded to your institution.
Keep your finger on the pulse of alumni with a familiar platform they can rely on for career support, networking, and mentorship opportunities.
Increase alumni response rates so you can track successes and showcase your university’s full ROI.
Become the go-to place for alumni and students to make genuine career connections.
From exclusive access to the top business and law programs, to millions of undergraduates, tap into an engaged pool of right-fit candidates from all backgrounds.
From MBA and law programs to undergrad, Fortune 500 companies to startups, savvy teams gain an edge against tough competition with 12twenty.
Students and recruiters love the connections they make on 12twenty — and the numbers show it.
We help universities and employers leverage deep data and streamlined software to make better employment connections.