Are Your Career Center’s Metrics Limiting Student Success?

Rethinking student outcome measurement

Are Your Career Center’s Metrics Limiting Student Success?

Explore how traditional metrics may be holding your students back, and learn why focusing on broader connections and networks can create greater opportunities for student success.

Many career centers use the number of job postings they receive as a primary measure of success. But does this truly reflect how well they’re supporting students? Job postings often emphasize quantity over quality, and students may find themselves overwhelmed by listings that don’t align with their qualifications or career goals.

In many cases, job boards get flooded with positions that require no degree or aren’t relevant to the academic programs offered by the institution. Students then spend valuable time sifting through opportunities that don’t match their skills or aspirations.

The Limits of Job Posting Metrics

Relying on job postings as a success metric can create a skewed picture of effectiveness. More importantly, it can limit how students perceive their options. When career centers emphasize job postings, students may assume that these are the only opportunities available to them, leading to a narrow view of the job market. This is problematic, especially given the vast access students now have to opportunities through online platforms and AI-powered tools.

Technology has made it easier than ever for students to find jobs through a variety of channels—company websites, job boards, and professional networks like LinkedIn. The pool of opportunities is virtually endless, so why restrict a center’s impact to a limited number of postings?

Shifting Focus to More Meaningful Metrics

Instead of focusing on job postings, career centers should turn their attention to the strength of their alumni and employer networks. Many colleges promote their alumni connections during admissions, yet few career centers fully leverage these networks for their students. By not providing access to these valuable contacts, career centers miss the chance to help students connect with mentors, hiring managers, and industry professionals who can guide them in meaningful ways.

Measuring the availability and strength of alumni and employer networks as a core success metric can help career centers open more doors for students. Building a strong network provides access to personalized support, career insights, and job opportunities that go beyond what’s listed on a job board.

The Role of Contact Management Systems (CMS)

While finding job postings is relatively easy today, the challenge for many students lies in accessing the right network of people. Career centers that offer students robust access to alumni and employer connections provide far greater value than those relying solely on job boards. This is where a modern contact management system (CMS) becomes critical.

A well-managed CMS can organize contacts, track interactions, and help career centers grow their external partnerships. However, outdated CMS tools often fail to keep contact information up to date, making them feel more like a dated phone book than a dynamic resource for students. Career centers need tools that give students real-time access to trusted alumni and employers who are engaged and willing to help.

Rethinking Success Metrics for Career Centers

As the job market evolves, so too should the metrics career centers use to measure success. Focusing on job postings alone offers a limited view of student outcomes. Instead, career centers should measure how well they are connecting students with the people and networks that can help them succeed. A robust alumni and employer network is a far more valuable metric for assessing the real impact a career center has on student success.

In today’s interconnected, technology-driven world, success is no longer defined by how many jobs are posted. It’s about how effectively a career center can help students tap into the networks, mentors, and resources that will support their long-term career goals. Are your metrics measuring what truly matters?

Take the Next Step with 12twenty

Looking to rethink how you measure career center success? 12twenty offers cutting-edge tools to help career centers go beyond job postings, empowering you to manage alumni and employer networks, track valuable contacts, and provide students with the resources they need to succeed. Explore how 12twenty can elevate your career center’s impact today. Click Here to learn more.