for Universities

A University's Hidden Gem: Alumni Networks

A University's Hidden Gem:

Alumni Networks

Alumni networks support student and graduate success beyond the classroom.

Universities are searching for new strategies to enhance student success and improve the college experience. A university's alumni network is often an undervalued resource. These networks offer many benefits for students like mentorship, career advice, and networking. Today we'll explore how universities can use alumni networks to help students thrive in and out of the classroom.

Fostering Mentorship and Guidance

Alumni serve as invaluable mentors, providing students with advice and support. Whether it's navigating major choices, securing internships, or overcoming challenges, a mentor can make an impact. Universities can facilitate mentorship programs and events to connect students with alumni mentors who can offer valuable insights and guidance.

Real-World Insights

Alumni provide real-world experience and insights in various industries and careers. Through alumni events, workshops, and panels, universities can provide students with firsthand perspectives. Students are supported with career planning, job search strategies, and workplace dynamics. By tapping into alumni expertise, students gain practical knowledge that improves their academic experience. This also prepares them for the realities of the professional world.

of organizations say their top goal is to increase alumni engagement, yet 27% of those admit to having no dedicated strategy to boost engagement.*

Post-Graduation Benefits

The benefits of alumni networks extend well beyond graduation day. Alumni connections open doors to job opportunities, internships, and career advancements. Moreover, alumni networks provide access to exclusive job postings, professional development resources, and alumni-specific benefits. By leveraging alumni connections, universities ensure that students are equipped for success in their post-graduation endeavors.

Revolutionizing Alumni Engagement with 12twenty

At 12twenty, we partner with universities and alumni engagement offices to improve student success and alumni engagement. Through our tools like Alumni Cloud, we facilitate lifelong connections and empower graduates to thrive in their careers. By working closely with university partners, we customize our solutions to meet your needs. It’s our goal to create a su pportive and rewarding environment for students and alumni alike.

If this sounds like what your campus is missing, click here to schedule some time to chat with the 12twenty team. Let's grow your alumni network and support students beyond graduation together.

*2020 Voluntary Alumni Engagement in Support of Education (VAESE)