How Walmart Maximized Hiring Efficiency

Get insights into how Walmart’s revolutionized their hiring processes and leveraged powerful analytics using 12twenty.
August 23, 2024
4 min read
“Our switch to 12twenty has been a game-changer. We have saved significant time and also gained unparalleled control over our scheduling, communication processes and analytics.”
Morgan LemleyMBA Relationship Manager at Walmart

As one of the world's largest employers, with 2.1 million employees and 10,000+ stores, ensuring a steady talent pipeline is no small task.

Walmart found itself grappling with inefficiencies in managing interview schedules and coordinating events with multiple schools at once, compounded by a lack of clear analytics to determine which schools yield the highest-quality candidates.

The 12twenty team is no stranger to these challenges, and the platform is uniquely positioned to address high-volume recruitment needs.

Morgan Lemley, Walmart’s MBA Relationship Manager, tapped into the power of the 12twenty Hiring Cloud, composed of four hubs, to streamline their workflow, ensuring that recruiting, scheduling, interviewing, and event management were seamless.

With this tool, the team could effortlessly coordinate all aspects of the hiring process, all with one centralized and user-friendly platform.

By leveraging the Multischool Interviews Hub, Walmart interviewed 732 applicants from 19 esteemed business schools without the need to travel for OCIs (on-campus interviews).

The Result: Over $400K saved in OCI expenses and 10-12 hours per recruiter saved in scheduling time.

Walmart achieved substantial cost reductions amounting to an estimated $469,395, given that industry average expenses associated with a single OCI event is $24,705, encompassing costs such as flights, hotels, meals, event fees, attendee payroll, booth, swag, and more.

Additionally, Morgan shared that each recruiter saved 10-12 hours in scheduling time over the span of a 4-week recruitment process. This efficiency boost will only compound with more recruiters and multiple recruiting cycles annually.

Beyond these significant time and cost savings, Walmart has completely eliminated email communication from their interview scheduling process, as they can now do it all through the platform. This creates a better user experience for all parties - admins, students and interviewers.

Moreover, she emphasized how 12twenty’s Recruiting Intelligence Hub offers robust analytics that make it possible to identify schools that yield the highest return on investment.

With this hub, employers can also get detailed insights into salaries, signing bonuses, RSUs, relocation bonuses, and even view full reports on their competitors’ outgoing offers and salary distribution.

“We can now manage schedules effortlessly and have a holistic view of all candidates. Our finance team is now considering 12twenty for OCI’s as well. Our recruitment process is now smoother, more efficient, and easier than ever,” she said.

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